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Tips from a Health Coach

Think of this as an open journal where I share my learnings, mindset and favorite things to feel my best.

This is meant to be a humble and safe place to inspire you and give you some tangible, easy-to-implement lifestyle hacks to elevate your life and wellbeing.
There is no method to my madness here. I use this blog to drop some nuggets of information that worked for me and my family.

What Are Natural Wines and Why You Must Try Them

Sep 04, 2021

My husband and I have been drinking mostly organic wines for a couple years now.

When moving to the Okanagan region of BC we suddenly became surrounded by wineries and learned more about the winemaking process. At the same time, we became more...

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3 Hacks for Hair Restoration (including PRP)

Jul 30, 2021

I've never met someone who doesn't want lush and shinny hair, man or woman.


Over the past couple years, I've noticed that my hair was thinning, especially around my hair line. I was curious to dig deeper into what might be causing this.


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My 3 Takeaways from the 2021 Biohacking Conference

May 10, 2021

For the second year, I had the pleasure of attending the 2021 Virtual Biohacking Conference to learn from thought leaders on the newest proven strategies to optimize health.

But what is Biohacking - you may ask? Dave Asprey is considered...

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Could it be mold? What to do!

Mar 15, 2021

(disclaimer: this blog relates my personal experience and should not be used as medical advice)


Upon arriving in our new nature paradise, we were faced with a mold bad luck.

The house we moved into from the city was a definite upgrade: only...

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Infrared Sauna - Why I love it!

Mar 01, 2021

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Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Infrared Saunas are sold-out and we hear about them everywhere.

Why now and how can it impact your health?

The long and short of it is: infrared (IR) saunas allow you to sweat toxins...

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I swear by my Bulletproof Coffee - a detailed guide on why + how to make it.

Feb 07, 2021
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I wasn't always a coffee drinker. I only started enjoying the caffeine boost when I became a mom.

I remember the odd times I'd be sipping on black coffee to get a boost for University exams but that was it.

With motherhood came the...

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These 6 hacks have elevated my sleep game

Nov 02, 2020

Sleep keeps us alive, literally. Since moving out of the city (and having kids that don’t require me for night feeds anymore: hallelujah), I’ve paid more attention to improving my sleep hygiene. Maybe it was the 6 years I felt like I...

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My 5 Hacks to Stick with Meditation

Oct 12, 2020

You've heard of it, you know it's good for your mind but how the hell are you going to find quiet time to make it happen? I get it, I was there too.

These 5 steps have helped me anchor a solid meditation practice into my busy life. Guess what? I...

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