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My Healing Soup Recipe

Whether you're feeling under the weather, doing a detox, easing back into food after fasting or just wanting to nourish your body, this soup will do it.

I like to spicy and healing feel of the Turmeric in the chicken bone broth.


The recipe below includes some suggested vegetables but really, you could use anything you have on hand and vary it based on the season.

In the winter you can use root vegetables or bok choy and in summer, you can include things like arugula or fresh beans.



I love bone broth because it's so nourishing and healing for the gut. It's literally one of nature's best kept secret. In addition, it offers a great amount of protein. Be sure to pick a bone broth from organic pasture-raised chickens or grass-fed cows.

I love adding crispy chickpeas to everything lately. I had stopped eating chickpeas because they contain lectins and I felt like they were making me bloated. Until I realized that I just needed to heal my gut.

The Functional Medicine Detox I did dramatically help me with that. Now, I don't have any of those symptoms. My preference is to buy them organic and uncooked, soak them for 24h, cook them for 45-60min and then roast them. It's a longer process but it does eliminate more lectins. Cooking them in a pressure cooker such as the Instant Pot will also help achieve the same result.

Microgreens also contain plant-based protein and are so good for you. I always add a pinch on top!



I love this soup for lunch but it makes a great dinner too. Unfortunately, my kids are not fans of soups yet so it's normally for my hubby and I.

However, if you have soup-eaters (lucky you!), you could simply throw it in the Vitamix if you didn't want the chunky feel.



I always feel nurtured, satiated and energetic after having this soup. No bloating and easy digestion.

That said, if you're experiencing bloating in the following hour, it could mean it's time for your body and digestive system to get a reset and do a detox (join me and let's do it together! Check out The DETOX Community).

You could omit the cabbage if needed!


Ok time to share the recipe. I like things to keep things simple because I never have lots of time. 

Hope you enjoy!




- 2 tbsp of Orkanika Turmeric Chicken Bone Broth 

- 4L of filtered water

- 1 can of organic chickpea

- 1 tbps of organic avocado oil

- 2 carrots, sliced

- 2 celery stalks, sliced

- 1/2 of a broccoli, cut in small florets

- 1/4 green cabbage, sliced

- 1 onion, sliced

- 1 garlic bulb, crushed

- Broccoli microgreens to decorate

- Sea salt

- Pepper



- Start the oven at 350F. Rinse the chickpeas and mix them with the avocado oil and a pinch of sea salt. Put them on a cooking sheet and into the oven for roughly 30 minutes, shaking them every 10 minutes. Remove once crispy.

- Cut all the veggies and roast them in a little bit of avocado oil. Leave the broccolis for the end so they can be crispy.

- After about 10-15 minutes, add the water and the Turmeric bone broth (you can also replace by a real bone broth or any flavor). Put on simmer for 45-60 minutes.

- In the last 5 minutes, add the broccolis in.

- Serve in a large bowl. For added proteins (the bone broth already contains a good amount), add a handful of crispy chickpeas and microgreens. Alternatively you could replace those by pasture-raised chicken.


Bon appétit!


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