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047 - Is Your Life Aligned to Your Human Design? With Tamara Bisson

Season #2

https://www.myhumandesign.com/get-your-chart/ Welcome back to a new episode of The Energy Upgrade!

This week I'm so excited to be welcoming Tamara Bisson, a Human Design expert.
Your Human Design profile, derived from your birth date, time and place, reveals your most natural and authentic way of living, highlighting your strongest senses, decision-making processes, and innate gifts, offering a new perspective on your unique self. Tamara helps people get in touch with their own power and purpose. She helps them align their life to their desires and authenticity. So if you are new to human design, you're in for a treat!

In this episode, you can expect to hear about:
- The Impact of Human Design: We explore how understanding your Human Design profile can bring clarity and peace, especially for those who identify as multi-passionate individuals.
- The Five Energy Types: Tamara walks us through the five different energy types in Human Design, explaining their unique roles and how they influence our behavior and decision-making.
- Generators and Manifesting Generators: We delve into the characteristics of Generators and Manifesting Generators, discussing how they uplift energy and the importance of embracing their multifaceted nature.
- Decision Making and Intuition: We discuss how different types make decisions and listen to their intuition, emphasizing the significance of aligning with one's natural energy flow for personal and professional success.

Tune in to this episode to gain insights into Human Design and how it can transform the way you understand yourself and others. Discover how embracing your unique energy type can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life. Prepare to get your mind blown!!

I hope you enjoy this one!


Episode Highlight:
"When we are aligned with our human design profile, everything else becomes so much easier."
- Tamara Bisson


- Follow Tamara Bisson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tamara_bisson/
- Visit Tamara’s website: https://tamarabisson.com/
- Sign-up for Tamara’s course on human design: https://tamara-bisson.teachable.com/p/the-power-of-being-you-with-human-design?affcode=565515_urix383d
- In French: https://tamara-bisson.teachable.com/courses/aligneeatonhumandesign2?affcode=565515_urix383d
- Discover your profile: https://www.myhumandesign.com/get-your-chart/


Register to Biohack Your 2024: https://vanessagrutman.thrivecart.com/biohack-2024/


Learn more about my coaching programs:
- Energy Upgrade New Generation : https://www.vanessagrutman.com/energy-upgrade-new-generation
Femme Biohacker : https://www.vanessagrutman.com/femme-biohacker
Allure : https://www.vanessagrutman.com/allure
Book a connect call : https://calendly.com/vanessagrutman/connect 


Other helpful resources here for you:
- 7-day liver detox: https://vanessagrutman.myshopify.com/products/functional-medicine-detox-7-day-protocol
- Book your FREE Connect Call with me: https://calendly.com/vanessagrutman/connect

- Download my FREE EBOOK highlighting the 5 nutritional supplements everyone should take and why here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/opt-in-916fa0bf-a807-4f95-b8ee-440af66d41c5

- My website: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/

- Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vgrutman/

- Find my professional page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VanessaGrutmanIHP

- Join me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vanessagrutman

Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.



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