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039 - Why Reconnecting to Your Intuition Now Matters

Season #2

Hi listeners! Welcome back to another episode of the Energy Upgrade! This week, I wanted to come and share one thing that is such a great reminder for all of us, as we are now entering the fall season: knowledge is power.

Now more than ever, we need to be in control of our health because let’s face it: the world we live in now is wild. I want you all to become masters of your nervous system, masters of your body, your vessel. I encourage you to acknowledge who the big entities in our modern world are and how they can get in the way of our health journey.

In this episode, you can expect to hear about:

- Taking Control of our Health: Look to heal at the root cause instead of numbing with a magic pill. You have the right to ask for alternatives and more than ever, being curious and asking for other solutions is so important.
- The Concerning Realities Agriculture and Food Marketing: Being aware and vigilant of how you're feeding yourself and your family is key in an industry where we are surrounded by bioengineered foods and children-targeted marketing labels.
- The Influence and Control of Technology: Acknowledging that Big Tech giants exercise immense influence over information dissemination, underscored by recent censorship moves on health-based content.
- Government's Role in Health and Wellness: The government's alignment with big corporations may not prioritize our best interests, as they benefit from societal health issues and our dependence on quick solutions.

In these transformative times, it's essential to reconnect with our intuition and take proactive steps towards understanding and prioritizing our well-being. By focusing on what we can control, like our health, mindset, and endeavors, we can navigate life with greater autonomy and not be overly influenced by external structures.

I hope you'll enjoy this episode!


Episode Highlight:

"That is the intuition that you have. It's in you. And we've been kind of forced to believe that it doesn't own any power, that it doesn't have any weight. But I'm here to remind you that that's exactly what these four big structures are worried about. Because once you reconnect with your body and your intuition, you're not going to worry about these four things. "

- Vanessa


Join 'Biohack your Energy' FREE Event from November 6-10, 2023:


Other helpful resources here for you:

- 7-day liver detox: https://vanessagrutman.myshopify.com/products/functional-medicine-detox-7-day-protocol 
- Book your FREE Connect Call with me: https://calendly.com/vanessagrutman/connect

- Download my FREE EBOOK highlighting the 5 nutritional supplements everyone should take and why here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/opt-in-916fa0bf-a807-4f95-b8ee-440af66d41c5

- My website: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/

- Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vgrutman/

- Find my professional page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VanessaGrutmanIHP

- Join me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vanessagrutman

Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.


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