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012 - What I eat in a day

Season #1


In this episode, I answer the question I get the most often: "what do you eat in a day?". Food is the most powerful tool in my toolbox and I use it with intention every single day. If you've been feeling lost as to how to eat, you might enjoy this episode. 

Be aware: this is not a conversation on dieting but rather, one highlighting how to nourish our bodies in the most optimal way for energy and vibrant health! 


- How food can actually interact with our body and how to utilize it to help us heal;

- My beliefs in diets and how I balance my meals;

- What I have for each meal of the day;

- How I time my meals;

- My thoughts on snacks;

- Do I ever "cheat"?;

- The underrated connection between intention and food;

- Do I only eat organic food? (access the Dirty 12 list from the EWG.ORG here: https://www.ewg.org)


Episode Highlight:

"Food can heal you. It has more power than any pharmaceuticals out there. Let's reconnect with its power."




Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.




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