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038 - Omega 3s Are Out: This Is What You Need to Take Instead with Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson

Season #2

Hello high-achieving women and welcome back to the Energy Upgrade Podcast! This week, I’m having a mind-blowing conversation with Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson. She is the founder and scientist who discovered Fatty15, an essential fatty acid that is here to completely change the game around fatty acids and how they can beautifully impact your health.

In this episode, you can expect to hear about:

- Essential Fatty Acids: Uncovering the unique properties and significance of the third essential fatty acid, Fatty15, and its role in cellular health.
- Wisdom of Nature: Emphasizing the importance of looking to nature for answers, with dolphins providing key insights into essential nutrients.
- Scientific Studies: A sneak peek into the latest studies on Fatty15, its head-to-head comparison with Omega-3s, and its potential game-changing results in longevity research.
- Discover Fatty15: Learn about the resources, platforms, and sustainable approaches behind Fatty15, promoting both human health and environmental well-being.

Discover why Fatty15 might just be the essential supplement you never knew you needed and gain a new perspective on the future of wellness. I hope you enjoy this one!


Episode Highlight:
"What if people could just reconnect with their worth, with their body, listening and not trying to look for all these external things to fix you?"
- Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson


Find more on Fatty15:
- All the science at: Discoverc15.com
- Save $20 on your first purchase with this link: http://fatty15.com/VANESSAGRUTMAN 

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatty15/


Join Fall Queen!


Other helpful resources here for you:
- Join The Energy Upgrade Coaching: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/the-energy-upgrade-coaching 
- 7-day liver detox: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/offers/NBnCNuxb 

- Book your FREE Connect Call with me: https://calendly.com/vanessagrutman/connect
- Purchase your all-in-one protein and multi-vitamin shake for your smoothie here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/offers/Z9D2nYpe

- Download my FREE EBOOK highlighting the 5 nutritional supplements everyone should take and why here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/opt-in-916fa0bf-a807-4f95-b8ee-440af66d41c5

- My website: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/

- Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vgrutman/

- Find my professional page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VanessaGrutmanIHP

- Join me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vanessagrutman

Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.



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