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036 - Let’s Talk Hormones with Jenn Pike

Season #2

Welcome back to a new episode of the Energy Upgrade Podcast! This week, I have the pleasure of talking hormones with Functional Hormone Practitioner Jenn Pike. We’re diving deep into the world of hormones, stress, overall well-being as well as the impact of stress hormones on our daily lives.

In this episode, you can expect to hear about:
- The Epidemic of Burnout: Understanding the challenges faced by high-achieving women and the importance of pressing pause to avoid burnout.
- The Slow Build-Up: Recognizing the subtle signs of fatigue and the dangers of ignoring them until it's too late.
- The Power of Hydration: Discover the game-changing benefits of proper hydration, electrolytes, and the right vessel for your water.
- Diving Deeper with Testing: From blood chemistry to stool testing, we delve into the importance of understanding what's happening inside our bodies.

Join us in this episode to uncover the secrets to better health, energy, overall well-being and gain insights into managing stress, understanding your body, and the steps you can take to feel your best every day.

So, grab your headphones and let’s go!

Episode Highlight:
"To me, when I spend time with women, I'm like ‘you are all capable’. You are all able, but it's making the decision as to whether or not we really actually want that or those things in our life, because they do come with joy, but they come with a cost."
- Jenn Pike


Find Jenn Pike:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennpike/
 - Website: https://jennpike.com/


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Other helpful resources here for you:
- Join The Energy Upgrade Coaching: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/the-energy-upgrade-coaching 
- 7-day liver detox: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/offers/NBnCNuxb 

- Book your FREE Connect Call with me: https://calendly.com/vanessagrutman/connect
- Purchase your all-in-one protein and multi-vitamin shake for your smoothie here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/offers/Z9D2nYpe

- Download my FREE EBOOK highlighting the 5 nutritional supplements everyone should take and why here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/opt-in-916fa0bf-a807-4f95-b8ee-440af66d41c5

- My website: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/

- Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vgrutman/

- Find my professional page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VanessaGrutmanIHP

- Join me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vanessagrutman

Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.



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