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032 - A Pharmacist’s Take on Liver Detoxification

Season #1

Welcome back listeners to this brand new episode of The Energy Upgrade! In today’s episode, I sit down with Leigh Fehr-Little, a Pharmacist with a specialty in bioidentical hormones, to discuss her journey towards holistic health and the transformative experiences she encountered along the way.

You can expect to hear about :
- Holistic Approach to Health: Leigh shares her experience with liver detox, parasite cleanse, and how these practices, along with nervous system regulation, contributed to her overall health improvement.
- Integrating Western and Holistic Medicine: The importance of combining the wisdom of traditional practices with western medicine for a comprehensive approach to health.
- The Power of Curiosity and Intention: Leigh emphasizes the role of curiosity and intention in her journey, and how it led her to a softer, yet more powerful way of living.
- The Importance of Self-Care: We talk about the significance of self-care, acknowledging one's intuition, and the impact of these practices on one's quality of life and future well-being.

Tune in to this episode to hear about Leigh's transformative journey and learn how a holistic approach to health, combined with western medicine, can lead to a more resilient and vibrant life.

Whether you are looking to optimize your health, regulate your nervous system, or simply bring more intention and awareness into your daily routine, this episode is packed with insights and practical advice to guide you on your own journey towards holistic health.

I hope you’ll enjoy!


Episode Highlight:
"I have a vision of the things I wanna be doing when I'm 70 and 80 and it's not sitting in a rocking chair. That's the all-in intention, right? How can I build that health so that in my fifties I'm living the vibrancy that I want to."

- Leigh Fehr-Little


Other helpful resources here for you:
- Join The Energy Upgrade Coaching: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/the-energy-upgrade-coaching 
- 7-day liver detox: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/offers/NBnCNuxb 

- Book your FREE Connect Call with me: https://calendly.com/vanessagrutman/connect
- Purchase your all-in-one protein and multi-vitamin shake for your smoothie here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/offers/Z9D2nYpe

- Download my FREE EBOOK highlighting the 5 nutritional supplements everyone should take and why here: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/opt-in-916fa0bf-a807-4f95-b8ee-440af66d41c5

- My website: https://www.vanessagrutman.com/

- Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vgrutman/

- Find my professional page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VanessaGrutmanIHP

- Join me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vanessagrutman

Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.


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