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014 - How to Anchor Wellness Routines & Rituals for a Successful Life with Sophie Collins

Season #1


Do you struggle with anchoring new wellness routines and rituals? We all do at one point or another!

To inspire you to get back on track, I asked my friend Sophie Collins to come and share how she makes her wellness routine a priority, despite being a busy mom, wife, social influencer and entrepreneur.

I've had the pleasure of first connecting with Sophie many years ago when we started collaborating over at Project Skin MD. We instantly bonded over our shared vision and dedication to living our best life.

Our delightful conversation will take you through these topics and many more:

  • How physical activity saved her mental health out of her MBA
    • Did you know Sophie is a certified pilates trainer and shares her free workouts online on her Instagram account.
  • Sophie shares the key pillars of her wellness lifestyle: 
    • She shares her morning routine including her meditation practice (via Michele Kambolis) and pilates
    • The power of journaling
    • Habit stacking to save time
    • Sophie's non-negotiable evening routine
    • The cost of not prioritizing herself in her life and how she feels it in her body
    • Her nutrition tips and tricks and how she eats in a day
    • The joy of growing your own food
  • How she navigates motherhood 
    • She opens up about the health challenges they underwent at her son's Charlie's birth
    • Re-processing trauma linked to labor
    • The importance of staying in the present moment


I tell you, this episode is stacked with gold nuggets and ideas that will empower you! 👑


You can find Sophie here:

- Website: https://www.sophiecollins.com/

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophieccollins/

- One Wednesday: https://onewednesdayshop.com/

- Find Sophie's 5-Day Reset here: https://www.sophiecollins.com/shop-the-five-day-reset


Episode Highlight:

"Become clear on how things make you feel. Start to take inventory of that for yourself. That's going to be the best motivation to anchor a new change."




Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.


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