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001 - How You Got Yourself Here: the Rain Barrel Effect

Season #1


In my very first episode, I couldn't help but start with the one question I get the most: "what’s wrong with me, what am I feeling like this?".

The truth is I know you're working hard at doing all the right things. Somehow, you're still not getting any better. Let me introduce you to the missing link, something that no health professional had explained to me and what started my healing journey.

In this episode, I will introduce you to:

  • The concept of The Rain Barrel Effect (If you want to dive deeper into this topic you can pick up the book The Rain Barrel Effect by Dr. Stephen Cabral)
  • How our rain barrel fills up as we go about with our life, slowly creating the accumulation of toxins 
  • The key toxins that are filling our rain barrel and making us sick:
    • Heavy Metals
    • Synthetic Foods
    • Tap water
    • Daily Stressors
    • Electrosmog
    • Indoor Air
    • Cosmetics
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Gut bacteria or virus
  • Access the Dirty 12 / Clean 15 list of produces here: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php
  • How a liver detoxification can help to accelerate the elimination of toxins so your body can return to a state of balance


Episode Highlight:

"You do all the right things: you eat well, exercise, manage your stress...yet, you're still not feeling like yourself. So you think "there's gotta be something wrong with me". That's what I used to think."




Disclaimer: Vanessa Grutman, IHP does not treat, cure or diagnose disease. This show doesn't offer medical advice. Always verify with your physician before undertaking a new protocol or trying a new product.


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