Are you tired of being tired?

Heal yourself holistically and biohack your energy to reconnect with your inner power.


The Energy Upgrade is a unique high-touch 6-month transformative program that offers high-achieving women like you, an opportunity to reclaim your energy and finally heal deeply to make space for your vitality and femininity to shine through.

This hybrid program combines individual and group coaching, offers a private community of aligned women that keep each other accountable, weekly teachings and powerful education tools to anchor long-lasting results.

It's a real vortex of transformation.

YES! I'm so ready!

Your journey to transformation is here.

This is not a weight loss program (although you will inevitably loose weight).

 It's the beginning of something much bigger.


Over 6 months, you will be empowered to take radical responsibility over your health and start making aligned shifts in your life. Shifts - big and small - that will set you on the path of healing and expansion.

The path of transformation.

It's time to leave this version of you behind:

  • The one who hustles constantly, with no real progress at the end of her day;
  • The one who gets home exhausted to her partner and kids;
  • The one who is constantly self-conscious about being bloated and uncomfortable in her clothes;
  • The one who wakes up tired, not motivated and irritable;
  • The one who needs coffee after coffee to survive her day;
  • The one who can't sit still, rest or relax (because there's always something else to do);
  • The one who "saves" everyone around her while always putting herself last (the irony).

This version of you doesn't serve you (or anyone) anymore. You know it.

It's time to turn things around and become a biohacker of your health, of your life. Take control back!

I'm ready to step into my highest self

This program is for you if:

  • You can feel that deep desire to find your lifeforce back;
  • You're ready to take radical responsibility for your health;
  • You know that with more energy you can be a better mom, partner, friend and leader;
  • You can see that with your vitality back and a strong mindset, you will be able to magnetize your wildest dreams;
  • You value mentors who have walked the path before you and can show you the shortcuts to heal and expand;
  • You understand that  you can't try to do this alone anymore: accountability and step-by-step guidance is what's been missing; 
  • You know that your time to change is now and that you can't continue on the path you're on.

Apply today!

An exclusive access for high-achieving women

The Energy Upgrade Coaching is a vortex for transformation.

It's a high-touch program offering 6 months of group and individual advanced coaching to transform your health and mindset.

You will receive the knowledge to heal, transform deeply and finally get results (that you will keep beyond the program!).

This high-touch coaching experience includes:


  • Weekly live masterclasses with Vanessa: every week, Vanessa will teach on a different topic to deepen your knowledge. Replays are posted same day in your portal. 
  • 6 x Monthly 1:1 consultation with Vanessa: a monthly 45-minute appointment to discuss your current symptoms, keep you moving towards your objectives and ensure you are progressing.
  • Ongoing access to Vanessa through voice memos and texts in between your visits.
  • 6 x Monthly check-ins with your assigned Success Coach: in this 30-minute appointment we will troubleshoot and offer the necessary support to ensure you're staying on track.


  • Private Energy Upgrade Community: a curated and safe container to keep each other accountable;
  • An intimate group of like-minded women that has your back and is here to cheer you on;
  • Monitored Community to answer questions and keep you all motivated.

Discounts & Practical Tools

  • Online portal with 24/7 access to the robust library of all masterclasses ever given in this program, including an incubator section to guide your onboarding.
  • Recipe bank with one new seasonal recipe released every week!
  • Exclusive discount on all Equilife supplements
  • Supporting weekly workbook, recipes and guides to help you stay focused;
  • Access to Expert Workshops to deepen the work
  • Detailed list of resources (ie. recommended readings, playlists, supplements, products, etc).

Ongoing Accountability With Your Success Coach

Kim Desmarais is the assigned Success Coach who will see you in between your visits with Vanessa to ensure positive progression and momentum.

Kim has a specialty in Holistic Nutrition and a true passion for holistic health. She will offer you a deeper personalized support on the  nutritional aspect and will help you crush your objectives during the program.

That's not all! You also get exclusive access to these powerful Expert Workshops:

#1. Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs to Free Yourself

This is a foundational workshop with psychotherapist and wonderful human Danita Harty.  

In this 2-hour session, we dive into limiting beliefs and how they impact you in the context of your overall healing and wellness journey.

Be ready to finally become aware of what's been holding you down!

#2. Giving Emotions a Safe Passage Out of the Body Using Breathwork

This is a foundational workshop with breathwork facilitator Keli Carpenter.

In this 2-hour session, we will be utilizing the breath to help move trapped emotions safely out of the body. Keli will start by offering tips to raise awareness around our stories, traumas and patterns.

Her immense wisdom and compassion will leave you transformed.


My holistic approach to long-lasting results

(where modern medicine fails)


Knowledge is power.

I believe that when you learn to fine tune your lifestyle (diet, exercise, rest, stress management, sleep, etc), become aware of your body's toxic load (and how to reduce it) and are able to adopt a success mindset by shedding the limiting beliefs and trapped emotions that are weighing you down: deep healing takes place.

That's when the magic happens.


Vanessa will lead you through this transformation.

Master Biohacker & Successful Entrepreneur 

Vanessa is a Certified Health Coach, Integrated Health Practitioner, Kinesiologist and successful entrepreneur dedicated to supporting women in reclaiming their energy and reconnecting with their true innate power for infinite abundance.

While always being passionate for health, she spent the last decade building a successful 7-figure business in the skin health industry. She sold and exited this business earlier in 2023 with lots of wisdom that she’s now excited to share.

She walked through her first experience in entrepreneurship deeply rooted in her masculine energy, fueled by wanting to be busy, hitting big goals and crushing her daily to-do list. It definitely worked, until it didn’t.

While building this business, she also birthed 2 babies and found herself completely burnt out from this pace of life that completely disconnected her from her body and essence.

Rebuilding herself back up required a lot of inner work, shedding of limiting beliefs, detoxification protocols and energy realignment.

She decided to go back to her passion for health and wellness and got certified as a health coach, primarily with the intention to heal herself.

Through vulnerability and dedication, utilizing the latest and greatest biohacking innovations, she was able to transcend her masculine operating system to finally reconnect with her divine feminine lifeforce energy to level up her magnetism and leadership.

She is now coaching high-achieving women who, like her, find themselves trapped in the same pattern of performance and perfectionism, disconnected from their bodies, tired of being tired.

She has a special ability to meet you where you are, understand what is blocking your success and offering tailored recommendations to help you tap into your multidimensional potential.

Vanessa offers a unique approach that encompasses her decade of experience as a successful entrepreneur and knowledge as a holistic health coach to biohack your life and help you blur the lines of possibilities.

It's time to start dreaming big for yourself!

You're getting a full-body YES?

Now is the time! Enjoy exclusive bonuses until September 17.


EXCLUSIVE BONUSES - up to $1,987 


1) For those who secure their Connect Call with Vanessa before Friday September 15, enjoy the following: 

  • Lifetime access to The Energy Reset Bootcamp Library ($197 value) 
  • Lifetime access to The Biohacking Mastery Library


2) For those who say YES before Sunday September 17, receive:

  • Your complimentary 7-day liver detox ($197 value)
  • Lifetime access the full Summer Queen Library ($597 value)


3) For those who say yes AND pay-in-full before Sunday September 17, receive:

  • Your exclusive access to the Fall Queen 6-week program starting October 19th ($997 value)


Are you ready to take control back of your health? 

Apply today


The transformation you achieve in this program with Vanessa is real! Hear it from like-minded women who decided to invest in themselves:

Jessica Bedard

Hear Jessica Bedard - female entrepreneur and owner of Maison Bedard - share her 6-month journey to health transformation with Vanessa.


Karine Ruel

Hear Karine Ruel - business coach, owner of The Académie Altitude, author of the Journal De Vie and busy mom of 2 - how her energy transformed through her work with Vanessa.

I'm ready to prioritize myself!